domingo, 19 de mayo
Plaza del parque Subaru
Chester, Pensilvania
Festival del río Chester 2024
¡Únase a nosotros en Chester, PA para divertirse aún más!
Un día para celebrar la comunidad de Chester a lo largo del río Delaware. Habrá camiones de comida, divertidas actividades familiares, grupos comunitarios locales, educación ambiental y obsequios. ¡Todo gratis!
Bike Delaware County, Bicycle Coalitions of Greater Philadelphia
Boys and Girls Club Chester
ChesPenn Health Services
Chester Bureau of Fire
Chester Community Charter School
Chester Cultural Arts and Technology Center
Chester Ridley Crum Watersheds
CityTeam Chester
Delaware County Planning Department
Delaware River Basin Commission
Energy Justice Network
Foundation for Delaware County
Fair Districts PA - Delaware County
League of Women Voters
L'levate Dance Studio
Making A Change Group
PA Sea Grant
Qadosh Ministry (Iglesia Avivamiento Faro de luz)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Penn State Master Gardeners of DelCo
Penn State Master Watershed Stewards
Philadelphia Union
Representative Carol Kazeem
Riverfront Alliance of Delaware County
Ruth Bennett Farms
Senator John Kane
Solarize DelCo
Solstice Home Performance
The IKE Foundation
The Trippley Foundation
United States Geological Survey
Actividades gratuitas :
Espectáculo de danza (comienza a las 2:15 p.m.)
Búsqueda del tesoro con premios
Criaturas del río
Mesa de manualidades y colorear
Youth Development United
Demostraciones de seguridad contra incendios
Manifestaciones de escorrentía de aguas pluviales
¡y más!
Camiones de comida:
J&M Water Ice
The Mango Hut
Shugar Shack Soulfood
J and D Jamaican Food
Willie on Wheels
Pit Magic Smoked Cuisine
Questions? Email info@DelawareEstuary.org